Projects for medical education
We coordinate projects by which we develop the knowledge and skills of medical students, which they will further use not only in their studies, but also in their future profession.
National Projects
The purpose of MediCafé is to popularize medical science. To show that it is not just a rigid system, but on the contrary a dynamic structure that affects us every day and surrounds us all around.
Many patients would like to understand what is behind the complex name of their diagnosis or the illness of their loved ones. How research has progressed in the treatment of tumors and rare metabolic disorders. Or they are interested in the diseases of civilization, why their occurrence is so alarming and how to prevent them. And students – medics and non-medics are also interested in these topics.
Why would we just have to learn somewhere in the auditorium on hard wooden reclining chairs? And why should we ONLY learn about medicine when it is interesting to discuss?
Come and enjoy a cup of hot medical science.
Surgical suturing course
The course of surgical suturing takes place several times a month in two variants – basic course and advanced course. The point of surgical suturing is to practice as many techniques and methods of suturing on a pig’s leg as possible.
A limited number of people can attend the course, due to the individual approach. There are at least 5 lecturers on the course who are willing not only to learn the right technique but also to answer all questions. Lecturers are students who already have experience in surgical suturing and want to do so in their careers. The basic course consists in learning the knots and basic stitches. The advanced course already skips the basics and deals with more complex sutures in surgery.
The course can be attended by any of the medical students, even those who have never been to the hall and sewed.
Get to know your specialty
To show students the real face of individual fields from the point of view of several doctors who have chosen this field. Opportunity to find out if the student is interested in everyday work in the department or not.
The project takes the form of podcasts or discussions, to which the given expert is invited, who tells about his experience from the department he is working on. In the case of podcasts, a form is filled in for questions in advance, in discussions students can ask everything that interests them in the field.
Other national projects (Czech names)
Medické doučování
Životní příběhy
Cesta na lékařskou fakultu
Other local Projects (only on some faculties) (Czech names)
Co čeká lékaře po promoci
Čokoládové srdce
Domluv se rukama
EKG pro praxi
Krevní výzva
Panelová debata Zdraví stojí za řeč
Pochop CNS
Tady jde o ženy
Sálová etiketa
Laparoskopické šití
Jak lékaři přicházejí na svět
Simulační kurz první pomoci
Seznamovací a sportovní soustředění
Kurz kanylace aneb ani kapka vedle
1. lékařská fakulta UK
2. lékařská fakulta UK
3. lékařská fakulta UK
Lékařská fakulta Plzeň
Lékařská fakulta Hradec Králové
Lékařská fakulta MUNI Brno
Lékařská fakulta UPOL Olomouc
Lékařská fakulta Ostrava
Contact information
IFMSA Česká republika, z. s.
Senovážné náměstí 977/24
Praha 1, 110 00