Nikola, Thailand
For my summer Exchange program I’ve been to Bangkok, Thailand and I would reccomend it to everybody. This month was just absolutelly fabulous. I spent two weeks in emergency-traumatology department and other two weeks in plastic-surgery department. I had an opportunity to see how it’s working in one of the biggest and the oldest hospital in Thailand.
My day in traumatology was so different as back in Czech. Hundreds of patients laying on the beds in the hall in front of other patients waiting for a bed, we did little surgeries in front of other patients, just tried to hide it with curtains. In plastic-surgery I had an opportunity not just observe the operation but physically be a part of the team.
If you want to visit a country where people are always smiling, where weather can change so quickly that you have no possibility to hide from rain or you just like to discover new places, new food and take a part in amazing group of people in hospital, Thailand is the country for you with all its nature, temples, 37°C weather and spicy food.
Bangkok, Thailand